Hello everyone,
Yeah... the forum is closing. And if you're wondering why? I'd say this forum was like a red herring... I mean, there was no need for it from the beginning, and it distracted me from the main projects of the website and mission. On the other hand, we already have a Facebook group with over 2.3k members! For now, I'll leave it online in "read-only" mode (to avoid spam); because we may need it in the future, and there are some good topics here.

I want to thank everyone who joined the forum, especially Entuzio and Toysoft, for helping me moderate it and the group :) Also, stay tuned for new updates for the projects and group.

Thank you for reading,

ContrAltoJS (Xerox Alto JS Emulator)

For systems that don't have a section of their own above
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Mohamed said
Posts: 39
Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:34 am
Favorite retro computer[s]: Xerox star, daybreak & Atari falcon

ContrAltoJS (Xerox Alto JS Emulator)

#1 Post by Mohamed said »

Hello, everyone.

Today, I am talking about a cool JavaScript project named ContrAltoJS. It's a port of the Living Computer Museum's ContrAlto project to JavaScript. And there's an online hosted version of this project (Loomcom Archive).

Also, this emulator supports network-based applications by using a JavaScript networking library (Retroweb Networking) for tunneling legacy networking protocols over WebRTC, which is built atop the Peerjs communications library. The virtual network will be shared among all running instances of ContraltoJS, regardless of location.

I recommend it to everyone to try this project. Also, I will try to write more about this project's related projects (Retroweb Networking and Retroweb Vintage Computer Museum) here soon :)

Thank you for reading,

Mohamed Said
A screenshot of Xerox SmallTalk 76 running on ContrAltoJS.
A screenshot of Xerox SmallTalk 76 running on ContrAltoJS.
smalltalk.png (26.03 KiB) Viewed 42668 times
Atari falcon alive :!:
