Hello everyone,
Yeah... the forum is closing. And if you're wondering why? I'd say this forum was like a red herring... I mean, there was no need for it from the beginning, and it distracted me from the main projects of the website and mission. On the other hand, we already have a Facebook group with over 2.3k members! For now, I'll leave it online in "read-only" mode (to avoid spam); because we may need it in the future, and there are some good topics here.

I want to thank everyone who joined the forum, especially Entuzio and Toysoft, for helping me moderate it and the group :) Also, stay tuned for new updates for the projects and group.

Thank you for reading,

(PCE.js) A classic computers emulator for web browsers

For general discussions related to Old Computers
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Mohamed said
Posts: 39
Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:34 am
Favorite retro computer[s]: Xerox star, daybreak & Atari falcon

(PCE.js) A classic computers emulator for web browsers

#1 Post by Mohamed said »

Hello, everyone.

I found today a cool project named "PCE.js" that runs classic computers in the web browser! Which is a port by James Friend of Hampa Hug's PCE emulator to the web. It can currently emulate the Mac Plus, IBM PC/XT, and Atari ST functionally in recent versions of Chrome and Firefox!

pce.js screenshot.png
pce.js screenshot.png (27.73 KiB) Viewed 20543 times
Atari falcon alive :!:
