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My Vintage Computing Blog
A place where I talk about stuff in Vintage Computing, and some other things.

Welcome to my blog (About Me)

Hello everyone, welcome to my new blog, in which I will talk about vintage computing and some things related to it. Maybe I get sometimes off vintage..

mosaidI will talk about myself a little bit: My name is Mohammed, and vintage computing collecting is one of my fav hobbies. but I only have one Macintosh classic ;)

So I created a Facebook group for people like me, named it "Xerox Star" one of my fav old computers, and then renamed it "Old Computer Club". At first, it was so hard to make it grow, but thanks to the lockdown, the group has grown from 100 to 1k! and in 2022, I created this website.

I hope everyone has fun :)


All the text I wrote and my pictures are under Public Domain.

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