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My Vintage Computing Blog
A place where I talk about stuff in Vintage Computing, and some other things.

The real problem

Ok, this isn't vintage.. but I need to talk about it.

In my country months ago, a crime related to the dark net. The problem is not with the crime, but with what networks and people said and talked about. People think that kids can enter the dark net and see the gore?! They can't understand how entering these places is hard, which makes it impossible for a kid to enter.

There are worse videos on YouTube (thanks to the stupid AI bots) and on other websites, which kids can more easily access; they get them in the recommendations or autoplay. People or networks never talk about that; they choose to stick to these shitty darknet trends and stories rather than talk about the real problem.

Sorry for the bad language.. but I am really tired of what people do.

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