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My Vintage Computing Blog
A place where I talk about stuff in Vintage Computing, and some other things.

My favorite game intro

Today I remembered one of my favorite game intro songs, which had been sung by Jon Hare "Jops".. and yes, it's Cannon Fodder!! 

fodderI remember playing the game only to listen to the nice lyrics "War has never been so much fun, war has never been so much fun!" I always lose and reopen to listen to it again. and the CD32 had a video in which game developers were having fun with the old music remixed.

Some people won't get the anti-war message in the game, which shows in many scenes how people die in unnecessary wars and get forgotten.

I have also been thinking that I have some good skills in songwriting (not really;), so.. why don't I make an Arabic version of it? I started writing a month ago, but it needs time, and I will post it here when I finish.

Thank you for reading, and I wish peace for everyone.

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